Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Puncak, Indonesia: Round 2

December 18, 2011

here's my first time experience in Puncak: Round 1

this time it was a random trip. very random. my friends and i went out Saturday night in Jakarta then instead of going home, we all decided to go to Puncak. it was crazy!

we left Jakarta at 7 am, the traffic was horrible going up and had brunch along the road by 9am. by 11 am we reached Kota Bunga and explored a bit then the worst thing happened! WORST traffic jam i have ever experienced in my entire Indonesia life! 5 freaking hours stuck on the road. traffic was not moving at all. it was beyond horrible. 

anyway, i was just glad that despite the horrendous traffic experience, i was able to see one of the amazing views in Indonesia. i heart kota bunga! it felt like you were brought to a totally new place. a complete opposite of Jakarta City.

kota bunga villas

Villas at kota bunga were amazing! there were different themes in each street/blocks. from victorian to fairy tale villas to just anything and everything! madness!

Little Venice

we were only able to have a quick stopover here but it looks promising!

i would love to check all these amazing places again BUT the traffic experience set off a little trauma. So let's see if it's possible to hit Puncak again. *cross fingers*


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